Defcon Bangalore a.k.a DC9180 is an official representative chapter of Defcon in Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA. Living to the motto of the parent community (www.defcon.org), Defcon Bangalore aims at sharing knowledge among the Information security geeks. Our meetings are not restricted to Information security alone, and we support anything technical related to the Computer Science Engineering domain. This page would not only keep you connected to the Defcon community, but also provide regular updates and sharing of knowledge and embody the spirit of Hacker Community.
Defcon Bangalore in association with Defcon Chennai has the following core organizers:
1. HariKrishnan. R
2. Karthik Ranganath
3. Viknesvaran Sittaramane
We are an open group and every body who follows the group regularly by default become our members. We look forward to having all of you at the Meets and have a cordial relationship with all the members.
DEF CON Bangalore – Contact Us
An Information Security Meet
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- Defcon Bangalore Meet, Ticket Bookings Open!! register soon.. Limited tickets! defcon-bangalore.org/2012/05/08/tic…4 weeks ago
- CTF and Beer Party included this time in the event!! Pack your bags for defcon bangalore at the silicon city 😀 \m/4 weeks ago
- Defcon bangalore Meet scheduled on September 9th, 20121 month ago
- Official twitter feeds about defcon bangalore chapter – DC91801 month ago
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